
Bini Lib

A library for dealing with the Freelancer (2003 game) Bini data files in the JS/TS ecosystem.

Based on Librelancer.Ini


Reading an ini file from BINI

const fileBytes = fs.readFileSync(FILE_PATH);
const iniFile = IniFile.fromBinary(FILE_PATH, fileBytes);

Reading an ini file from string

const fileText = fs.readFileSync(FILE_PATH, "utf-8");
const iniFile = IniFile.fromString(FILE_PATH, fileText);

Iterating through the data

The data is stored in a nested structure, consisting of sections -> entries -> values.

The IniFile class stores an array of Section, each of which has an array of Entry, each of which has an array of IniValue (defined as boolean | number | string).

Here is a simple loop that iterates through all three levels:

for (const section of iniFile.sections) {
for (const entry of section.entries) {
for (const value of entry.values) {

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